International Repatriation

International Repatriation

International Repatriation

When death occurs overseas or if it is the death of a visitor to New Zealand, Harbour City Funeral Home have made this a point of difference in the services they offer.

Sometimes death occurs when people are travelling, this is a very stressful time for families and depending on which country the person has died in, may require specialist documentation, as well as special preparations to the deceased to ensure that they are able to be transported to the country where they are to have the funeral service.

Our company are specialists in repatriations, we have worked with all major insurance companies and can best advise you in how to manage the process of repatriating a person either nationally or internationally.

Whether we are involved in sending someone to another country or arranging for a person to be sent back to New Zealand we can manage the complete process for your family.


Harbour City Funeral Homes