Time Together - Viewing

Some people find it helpful to spend time with the person who has died before the funeral. This special time is an opportunity to say goodbye.

A viewing can assist in the grieving process as it allows people to begin to accept the reality of the death of the person. It can be a time to place mementos such as cards, letters, small gifts, photos, flowers and other significant objects in the casket with the person.

Some families choose to take the person home or to another venue, and they will spend some days with the person who has died. We are happy to make the arrangements that fit with your wishes and that are at a time suitable to all family members.

Children benefit from being included in the preparations for a funeral. Viewing the person who has died can be a positive experience as it allows them to say goodbye and helps them to accept the reality and finality of death.

Historically children were not involved in the funeral process. Today most experts would agree that children should have the same opportunity to view the deceased person and to attend the funeral if they so wish.

Viewing at our funeral home may be done between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. You may also view outside of business hours by appointment.

Harbour City Funeral Homes